Location: Lilanoor Centre for Voice and Music Get Directions
Time: 4:00 PM
About the Workshop:
We will look at a tool called Strudel which is a Javascript port of a popular livecoding language called TidalCycles.
Strudel lets us explore audio and music concepts with the practice of livecoding where we write code and evaluate/run it on the fly, and modify it while it is still running. We will be programming with JavaScript, but instead of doing web development, we will synthesise sounds and sequence them with generative music techniques.
The workshop will touch upon:
No software installation is required as Strudel runs in the browser and only needs an internet connection and a device that can produce sound. Headphones are encouraged so that participants can explore freely without bothering others.
Age 12+ can participate.
About the Facilitator:
Abhinay Khoparzi is a multidisciplinary artist, and creative technologist from Allahabad, India who maintains a practice across film, video, music and web technologies. After cofounding Algorave India in 2018 Abhinay has been instigating computational arts events and communities all over the country and pushing the livecode scene in collaboration with artist collectives in various cities. Khoparzi performs with computational arts tools and has played experimental and dance music performances at Fat Finger Mayhem (Mumbai, 2018, 2019), ICLC (2019, 2020), Festival X Dubai (2022), ISMIR Conf (2022), JSConf India(2023), U-Oslo RITMO Rave (2020), Github Universe and Satellite (2020, 2021, 2022) and many more.